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Fullness in the spirit isn’t a privilege, it is your right and your destiny. There is so much goodness in your life, you’ll never be able to acknowledge it all. Everything has already been covered...


It’s one thing to think brilliantly, but to apply it to your everyday situations? That’s the mark of a truly powerful believer!  This FREE MP3 is the first part of Graham's 7-part series, Mind of a Saint! Learning to...


The enemy tries to distract us and subvert our focus from the brilliant plans and promises of the Lord. When we are in true fellowship with God, our expectation of fullness and promises fulfilled can...


Devotional time that is stale or obligatory is hardly worth having. The Father wants to spend authentic time with you, talking, laughing and learning. But it can be difficult to reinvent devotional time into something...


The Father doesn’t want you to approach spirituality from the mindset of achieving. There are no grades in the Kingdom, nothing to strive for that will change the way He sees you. The Father loves...


Pray prayers that get answered.  Do you feel like your prayers aren’t making any difference to your circumstances? It’s time to believe differently about prayer.  This FREE episode of Praying with God video series will...