Discover a Life of Peace and Opportunity.
A Mentoring Series by Graham Cooke
In this special training series, you’ll explore God’s core favor for the specific situations you encounter in life. You will be trained to recognize and live in the unchanging, unrelenting favor of the Lord.
A life built in partnership with Jesus, is a life of peace and opportunity. God has created a place for you, His Beloved, and in that place He wants you to dwell with Him. His deepest desire is that you can experience life in His fullness with no feelings of inadequacy, no striving to prove yourself and no distress. That place of fullness is where the Lord wants you to dwell. It should be your starting place as a Believer. Your Place of Abiding.
+ The Place of Abiding, 9-part streaming video series
+ The Practice of Rest MP3s - Learn the many benefits of resting in the Lord, while providing examples and exercises to inspire you.
+ The Indwelling Presence MP3s - Explores the amazing relationship that is available to you with the Holy Spirit.