Good Morning,
Firstly I must say that i have followed Grahams teachings for a few years now, and it has changed so much of my perception on life, the Church, the way I go through challenges.
I recently over the last few years have had many issues arise in my life that have caused me to fall out of alignment with God, and i have also, realized how severe these wounds are that have been planted in my heart- forming as far back as childhood. However , i say that to say that this message i just downloaded was very powerful, and it is one of my favorites. I recently joined Grahams Brilliant TV, and that has been an enormous blessing. I am learning to allow God to be sovereign even when i dont understand. My wounds have caused many setbacks in my life causing me to miss the love that God so desires to pour out into me to bring this healing to me. I ask that this year be a year of restoration, to my MIND, and that i would learn the true unconditional love, the perfect love of the Father that casts out ALL FEAR. God is love and I have never experienced this type of Father/Daughter love relationship between me and Jesus and i am anticipating this year to be a year of complete release of all wounds and to experience FREEDOM as never before!!!